Monday, July 5, 2010

The Bebop Brothers

Vicious is an Illinois Nazi.

I got this idea in my head several years ago, but it sorta went away, then I got hit in the head with a bowling ball and it came back. I tried to make the image resemble this:

The Blues Brothers often reminds me of Cowboy Bebop and vice versa, I guess because of the music and the nonchalance both groups have about the crazy stuff they get into.

I considered replacing the Blues Mobile with Spike's Swordfish, but I'm quite bad a drawing vehicles, whether they're realistic or not, so I wussied out and just drew a silhouette of the Bebop in the background next to the inexplicable construction stuff. I also went back and forth on how to render the characters, eventually choosing to do simple cel shading, since most official Cowboy Bebop images, even promotional stuff, are done that way.

And for those who hate Blues Brothers 2000, here's one with just Spike and Jet:

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