This coming from a guy who puts gloves on everybody.
I'm certainly no fashionista, but I do know what styles I think look stupid, some of which are:
Pajama pants outside of the house,
Socks and sandals,
And a fedora without a suit to go with it.
I know that last one is more a matter of personal taste, but to me, a fedora without a suit is like wearing a tie over a t-shirt.
I also don't like it when bowling alley customers expect us to help them while they're doing something on their cell phone, but that's another story.
And now for something completely different. Like I said in a recent post, I'll be spending a little less time drawing so I can read up on making comics, now that I'm trying to get one made. After reading the outstanding Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud and Alan Moore's Writing for Comics, I'm currently reading Drawing Words and Writing Pictures. It's actually a text book, complete with assignments and homework, but I honestly don't do much of those. I know I'm not taking full advantage of a great resource, but I don't want to spend tons of time learning before working on this comic, and my major concern is learning how to write for comics. Usually, my rule is if the assignment is pretty similar to something I've done before, I skip it.
Anyway, this post is actually my attempt at an earlier assignment where you're asked to make a single panel captioned comic. I figured it'd be fun and wouldn't take too much time, and would give me a bit of a challenge, since I've never done a single panel strip. You may not think about it at first, but there's a huge difference between getting a joke/idea across in a single image and a few. If I had come up with this gag before the assignment, I would have probably made it at least two panels, the first consisting of the dude asking me for the six pound ball before hand.